I'm a dabbler when it comes to crafting, some months I can go at it full throttle then I can have a serious lull like I did during June, however at the end of June I did have a lovely pick me up. I have been invited to join the
Crafty Templates design team! I was seriously shocked and flattered to be asked and this month I created my first submissions, here is a little sneak peek..

It certainly helped me get started but I'm off on holiday next week so I'm hoping that won't put me in that 'post holiday lull' sorta feeling! I decided to take a little break from crafting and thought I'd watch a movie, why, oh why did I choose Marley & Me? I blubbed like a baby and made my already pounding head a lot worse!
Why is my head pounding? I had an accident with a rather heavy box falling on my head earlier this week which gave me mild concussion, it didn't help that I was working away from home so I had to go to a rather scary hospital in London all on my todd, something I don't wish to repeat! Fortunately the rather nice Dr today at my local surgery gave me some lovely tablets to help ease my headache and once the Marley & Me snivells disappear I should feel a lot better!
I hope this week treated you better ;)